Trump Says Netanyahu ‘Rightfully Criticized’ For October 7 Incident

Former President Donald Trump weighed in his opinion, which was far from complimentary, about Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu and his handling of the initial Hamas terrorist attacks that occurred on October 7th, 2023. The incident was the start of the now ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine. Time magazine transcribed Trump’s statements which they claimed were hardly edited.

Trump stated to the magazine outlet that he had a previous “bad experience” with Netanyahu, in regards to Iranian military officer Qasem Soleimani, who was assassinated by American forces under the Trump administration in 2020. Soleimani was identified by a White House press release as the head military officer of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps who was held responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American coalition members, and the injuring of countless more. On January 7th, 2020, President Trump ordered a drone strike targeted at Soleimani, which successfully killed the military leader at the Baghdad International Airport in Iraq. Trump revealed that Israeli forces were initially supposed to aid American troops during the attack, but were pulled out at the last minute by Prime Minister Netanyahu, which left a sour taste in Trump’s mouth. Trump continued that he always remembered how Netanyahu had made him feel because of the decision.

On October 7th, 2023, the notorious Hamas terrorist group originating from Palestine attacked Israelian civilians committing heinous atrocities such as murder, rape, and kidnapping. About 250 civilians have been kidnapped by Hamas, with many still held captive. It is estimated that over 1,200 people have been murdered by the group, with that number continuously rising as the Israeli-Hamas war currently rages on.

Regarding the ongoing conflict, Trump told Time Magazine that the October 7th attack should have never happened to begin with. Trump continued to point out the fact that many Israeli citizens knew that an attack would come, stating that Israel had the equipment to stop the attack.